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My team makes me thankful!

My team makes me thankful!

Posted in hiring / executive director / staff team

Creating an amazing staff team is one of the biggest challenges a non-profit executive director will face. Whether by luck, endless cycles of hiring, or simply waiting long enough, there is nothing more exciting than when that amazing team finally happens. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I want...

The difference between operational and governance policy...

The difference between operational and governance policy...

Posted in executive director / policy

Non-profits rely on policies to guide everything from the number of board members needed for a meeting, to how to write a receipt. Policies are very helpful to guide board and staff in their jobs, but policies for the board are very different from policies for the workers. Don’t blur...

Now what?

Now what?

Posted in operations plan / staff team / programs and services

The strategic planning session is done. The board is happy with the results. The goals, outcomes, and indicators have been decided. Everything is handed over to the executive director for the next step. Now what? I don’t know what to do! A non-profit executive director’s part in...

The challenges of non-profit HR

The challenges of non-profit HR

Posted in hiring / financial management / staff team

Much time is spent reviewing and planning the governing model of a non-profit board of directors letting the operational model of the staff team develop organically, and sometimes a little haphazardly. Limited budgets make choosing the right HR model, critical to achieve goals with the right...

Strategic planning: does the executive director have a role?

Strategic planning: does the executive director have a role?

Heading into strategic planning season can be a confusing time for a non-profit executive director. Strategic planning can feel like it is all about the board who will be spending time reviewing and interpreting the wants and needs of clients, members, and stakeholders. The same wants and needs...

Executive Directors can help boards make better decisions

Executive Directors can help boards make better decisions

Non-profit boards make a LOT of governing decisions. When the decision-making system is working well, the board might conduct its own research, develop committees, and have discussions. That’s the dream. The reality is it rarely happens that way. Don’t expect volunteer board members to have...

3 steps to keep a non-profit chart of accounts simple...

3 steps to keep a non-profit chart of accounts simple...

A chart of accounts is a numbering system to organize a non-profit’s financial transactions. You can compare a chart of accounts to the Dewey Decimal System at your local library, where different groups of books have different number codes. In a non-profit, revenues have different number codes...

Is it better to keep board meeting discussions private?

Is it better to keep board meeting discussions private?

Posted in board of directors

Years ago, at a board meeting, there was a pretty robust discussion about a hot topic. As the executive director, I wanted my board to have all the background information to make an informed decision. So, I spoke frankly, and provided a lot of detail, thinking it would be kept confidential....

3 Time-Off Ideas When You Can't Take a Summer Vacation

3 Time-Off Ideas When You Can't Take a Summer Vacation

Posted in executive director / vacation / staff team

For some non-profits, summer is the busy season, and it isn’t possible to be away. If that sounds like your work world, let’s talk about other ways to take time off. When can you start using vacation time? Think back to when you first started working at your non-profit. Did you have to wait...

Don’t Let Guilt Ruin Your Holiday

Don’t Let Guilt Ruin Your Holiday

Posted in executive director / vacation / staff team

Working as an executive director, we all share a desire to do the job well, and we put in the long hours to make it happen. When the time comes to take holidays, feelings of guilt for being away from the office take over. The indecision about taking this week or next week, can delay vacation...

Governance Policy: Easy Four-Part Structure

Governance Policy: Easy Four-Part Structure

Posted in policy / board of directors

The board of a non-profit has a complex job. It is accountable to the stakeholders to meet the strategic goals, while at the same time governing the organization and monitoring management. No experience, no time, no problem! Non-profit board members rarely come to the position with a wealth...

Employee Files: Why Privacy Matters

Employee Files: Why Privacy Matters

Posted in office operations / filing / staff team

Your non-profit likely has a privacy policy. If your non-profit has a website, you for sure have a privacy policy. The policy likely talks about how you will collect and store information about your customers, clients, and maybe stakeholders. But have you thought about a version of a privacy...

How to Apply for the Grant When You Don’t Qualify

How to Apply for the Grant When You Don’t Qualify

Posted in stakeholders

Funders are in the business of granting money and they welcome applications from groups or organizations that help to meet their mandate. Funders also have a handful of requirements that an applicant must meet to qualify to apply for funding. Sometimes those requirements state an organization...

Easy Non-Profit Bookkeeping

Easy Non-Profit Bookkeeping

Posted in financial management / annual audit / bookkeeping

No one tells a prospective executive director that a big part of running a non-profit is all the accounting. The ED is responsible for recording all the revenue that flows into the organization, all the payments that go out, and to make sure it all balances. No bookkeeper. If a non-profit...

Keep Your Cool with Negative Feedback

Keep Your Cool with Negative Feedback

We’ve all been there. A participant didn’t like the way a program was handled. An evaluation is filled with negative comments. A volunteer doesn’t agree with the new direction the organization is headed. An anonymous survey seems to bring out the nastiest responses. A client makes a snap...

Write a Report for the Board Without Creating Anything New

Write a Report for the Board Without Creating Anything New

Posted in strategic plan / operations plan

In the relationship between governance (the board of directors) and operations (usually the executive director and staff team), there is a nice balance. The board, using their linkage to the stakeholders, creates a governing vision for the organization, called the strategic plan. The...

Let the employee do most of the talking at the annual performance review

Let the employee do most of the talking at the annual performance review

Posted in executive director / staff team

The report card style annual performance review has become an obsolete process. Gone are the days of saving up all the failings of your employees and presenting it to them at year end, along with a few positives just to cut the sting. Still, there is a responsibility as an employer to identify...

Non-profits don’t have a top dog

Non-profits don’t have a top dog

Non-profits have different structures and different groups of people who handle different tasks. It can be difficult to tell who’s the boss from one organization to another. Some will have no employees, and some will have many. Some will have a governance board, and some will have an...

Write Your Own Executive Director Succession Plan

Write Your Own Executive Director Succession Plan

When an executive director leaves their position, it doesn’t really matter how much notice is given if there isn’t a written succession plan in place. In small non-profits, without a dedicated HR staffer, no one has the time for hiring. It’s a hot mess at best and squeezed in over coffee breaks...

Governing Policies: The Primary Role of a Non-Profit Board

Governing Policies: The Primary Role of a Non-Profit Board

Posted in strategic plan / board of directors

Governing policies are probably one of the most challenging set of rules a non-profit will have. The policies themselves are not that difficult to understand, but it is the role of the governing policies and their place between the bylaws and the operational policies that...

The Secret Code Book to a Non-Profit’s Vision

The Secret Code Book to a Non-Profit’s Vision

Posted in policy / members / stakeholders

Here’s a fun fact, where I am, Bylaws are not a legal requirement, and yet, most non-profits have Bylaws. Bylaws are the rules created by the founding members to regulate the organization. They can be changed, but not easily. Bylaws are the rules created by the members. This is how it starts....

Is your non-profit incorporated? (and why does it matter)

Is your non-profit incorporated? (and why does it matter)

Posted in policy / members / stakeholders

Non-profit leaders, be it board members or the executive director, need to have a firm understanding of 4 key documents a non-profit uses for legal status, governance, and operations. Becoming familiar with these documents is not simply an orientation tool, rather, it is a critical step to...

Keep the Governing Vision Forward-Thinking

Keep the Governing Vision Forward-Thinking

Posted in board of directors / board positions

Spring is in the air and in my world that brings all the prep and planning for the annual meeting and new board members joining the team. Last week I shared some thoughts about board terms, the set length of time a volunteer holds a position as a board member before having to run for...

How long do I have to do this?

How long do I have to do this?

When a volunteer considers joining a non-profit board, one of their first considerations is the length of the term. A board term is the set length of time the volunteer holds a position as a board member before having to run for re-election or leave the board. For a potential nominee...

Does a Non-Profit Really Need Board Committees

Does a Non-Profit Really Need Board Committees

Posted in board of directors / board committees

Sometimes, a non-profit board of directors has more work than the time at a regular board meeting will allow. It might be board recruitment, or drafting policy changes, or even working with a facilitator to plan board training. That’s when board committees step in. A board committee is...