The Executive Director's Strategic Plan
A workbook for non-profit executive directors to write a strategic plan with, or without, the board.
Executive directors have many reasons to want to write their own strategic plan.
It might be an old plan that desperately needs to be updated. It might be a board that doesn’t want, or have an interest in creating, a new plan. It might be a desire to demonstrate how a new plan can be beneficial.
Regardless of the reason, an executive director can rarely pull thousands of dollars out of the budget to hire someone to write a plan. They need to have the tools to write a strategic plan, at any time, on their own.
That’s why I wrote this e-book.
- To provide executive directors with a clear step-by-step process to create a strategic plan on their own.
- To remove the mystery about how to use a strategic plan so executive directors can guide their organization to grow and thrive, year after year.
- To help executive directors get to the finish line of a usable strategic plan as quickly, and affordably, as possible.
If users read through the instructions for each step, record answers on the worksheets provided, reference the examples for extra help, and work at their own pace, it will result in a finished strategic plan that can be used right away.
This e-book is a strategic planning session in workbook form. It will require work by the reader. This is not a template to plug in a few words and get a plan.
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The Executive Director's Agenda Playbook: Create an agenda for any meeting
Confidently create an agenda for any meeting.
When a group needs an agenda, they are going to look to the executive director to ‘pull something together’ on a moment’s notice.
When meetings run long, attendees are confused, or topics don’t seem relevant, the group is going to look to the executive director to ‘fix’ the agenda.
When the meeting chair wants an agenda they can follow like a script, there is an expectation the executive director will provide it.
That’s a lot to ask. That’s also why I wrote this e-book.
- To provide executive directors with the foundational structure for the three most common types of agendas – for board, staff, or volunteer meetings.
- To provide executive directors with easy-to-follow agenda examples, AND a version of each example to customize and use right away.
- To provide a simple one-page cheat-sheet to tuck away for fast and easy reference.
This e-book is designed to be a tool executive directors can use immediately, and a resource to go back to year after year. The concepts are easy to follow, and examples are included
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Nonprofit Bylaws Template
All non-profits need bylaws, whether starting new or making updates. Bylaws are the rules that describe how the non-profit will run.
When you want ideas to write or update bylaws, you might look at other non-profits for ideas or search the web for examples. That’s when the confusion starts, and bylaws begin to feel like they are written in a secret language.
No problem, you might decide to hire someone to write them for you, but wow, the cost of hiring a private consultant is staggering.
Again, no problem! You’ll need to seek the advice of a lawyer at some point, why not have the lawyer write the bylaws. Oh, but the lawyer says you should draft something first before s/he looks at it.
Great, now what?
That’s why I created the Bylaw Template.
- You will be able to write your bylaws, even if for the first time.
- You won’t need to worry about bylaw/policy overlap.
- You will easily customize the example bylaws for your non-profit.
I know how frustrating it can be to pour significant time and energy into bylaws that don't get approved or clash with governing policies. I want to help you avoid that. My Bylaw Template is designed to deliver practical, effective, bylaws that will grow with your nonprofit and complement other policies.
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My 2025 Life Plan Workbook
The My 2025 Life Plan Workbook will walk non-profit leaders through the steps to take inventory of their life zones from the past year (and older), identify common themes, set goals, and plan the actions they’ll need to take to live their best life in 2025.
I created this annual goal setting system because I was tired of workshops and planners that were entirely career-focused or too generic. I didn’t want to simply set a couple of goals for each life zone, I wanted to look at the bigger picture. I wanted to think about my past year, reflect on common themes that kept coming up, and set deeply personal goals.
I have a strategic planning process that has been very successful at work and I used it to build this Workbook for my own personal goals.
This is the exact process I use to plan my life goals for each year ahead. I’m excited for you to give it a try for your own 2025 life goals.
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