
Don’t get yelled at!

Don’t get yelled at!

My first experience with policies was during the years I worked in a provincial park. How many campers and tents are allowed in one campsite? I was new to the job but experienced enough to know that...

Master your time sheet skills

Master your time sheet skills

Executive directors are never truly off the clock. Yes, we can take holidays. Yes, we can lean on our teams and hire admin support. But if a major system fails, it will be the executive director who...

Who’s your next hire?

Who’s your next hire?

A non-profit usually starts with only one employee. It is often the executive director, and the position handles everything from planning, to programming, to administrative support. When it’s...

I’m Being Selfish and I Don’t Care.

I’m Being Selfish and I Don’t Care.

I see a common pattern with new non-profit board members as they prepare for their first annual general meeting. They get excited, confident, and often a little arrogant. They know what to do and say...