The Impact of a Non-Profit’s Vision and Mission Statements

When a non-profit first starts up, a handful of strategic documents are created to chart the course for the road it will travel over the years. Each year after that, the non-profit will hold a strategic planning session to examine the needs of clients/stakeholders/members and adjust the strategic plan in big and little ways. There are two key sentences (or phrases) that hold a lot of power to shape a strategic plan, but once created, are often ignored during the strategic planning session. They are the Vision and Mission statements.
Don’t create a strategic plan that isn’t in alignment.
The Vision and Mission Statements are the big bold dream for the non-profit. The Vision is the big picture dream the non-profit holds to make a change in the world. It is ultimately the reason the non-profit exists. The Mission is a big picture declaration of what the non-profit will do to achieve the vision.
When strategic planning happens without spending at least a little time checking in with those original dreams, there is a risk the non-profit will develop a strategic plan that has nothing to do with the Vision/Mission or miss an opportunity to identify a needed update to the Vision/Mission.
Questions to ask at the next strategic planning.
Here are 2 sets of questions a non-profit can use to jump-start strategic planning, by making sure there is both an understanding of, and a commitment to fulfill, the Vision and Mission. If a non-profit is brand new, it can use these same questions to write the very first Vision and Mission Statements.
Vision Statement
- Who are we?
- Why do we exist?
- What are our hopes and dreams for the non-profit?
- What statement best reflects the change in the world we want to make?
- What statement will be inspirational but also clear?
- Does the current Vision Statement reflect our answers?
- Do strategic priorities align with the Vision?
A Vision Statement is the big picture dream the non-profit has to make a change in the world. It is ultimately the reason the non-profit exists.
Mission Statement
- What is our purpose?
- What are we trying to do?
- Why are we doing it?
- For whom?
- What statement will broadly reflect the work the organization will do to make the Vision happen?
- Is it do-able?
- Does the current Mission Statement reflect our answers?
- Do programs and services align with the Mission?
A Mission is a declaration of what the non-profit will do to achieve the Vision. The Mission is not a list of Activities.
Build a non-profit that is easier to govern and operate.
The benefit of ensuring an alignment from Vision/Mission to strategic priories to operational programs and services is that the non-profit becomes much easier to govern and operate because everyone understands how the pieces fit together.
Board members better embrace their role as the stewards of the wants and needs of clients/members/stakeholders and builds strategic priorities to match, all while keeping an eye on working towards the Vision. The staff team better understands their role as the stewards of the programs and services that will fulfill the strategic priorities, all while keeping an eye on working towards the Mission.
The Vision and Mission Statements are not set in stone. Though it might take a little legal paperwork and approval by the membership at the next annual general meeting, the Vision and Mission CAN be updated when needed.
Create a map to share with EVERYONE.
Here are 3 ways to get started reconnecting with a non-profit’s Vision and Mission.
- Include the Vision/Mission Statement questions as the first step in the next strategic planning session.
- Create a document that maps out the Vision Statement, the Strategic Priorities, the Mission Statement, and the operational programs and services.
- Share the map with everyone from board to staff, volunteers to donors.
When a non-profit wants to map out the direction the organization is travelling, including the Vision and Mission’s place in the strategic and operational plans will ensure everyone is working towards common goals.
Thanks for taking the time to read my ideas. If you know someone who needs to read this, why not grab the link, and share it with them. Let’s work together to bring back the love for our Vision and Mission.
Hi, I'm Christie. I help non-profits align their strategy and operations for greater impact. Follow or subscribe to learn more. Question and comments are always welcome.
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