I Have an Idea

I’ve had an idea brewing lately and I can’t seem to let it go. I’m pretty excited, but the idea is still a little “raw” right now (so please be kind 😊).
However, did I mention that I’m pretty excited?
And how I’d love to involve you?
Here’s the backstory…
For the last little while, I’ve talked with non-profits about how to use a strategic plan to build a shared future for an organization. We all know how it is, from paid employees, to volunteers, and the membership, each person linked to a non-profit has a different vision for the future. The vision is anything but shared. When individual preferences take over it creates confusion, and let’s be honest, causes conflict. No one wants that.
We know that when everyone uses the same road map (strategic and operational plans) the destination becomes clearer and success is more certain. So, why then do strategic plans sit on the shelf gathering dust? Why do they strike fear into the hearts of a non-profit executive director or board?
That’s where my idea comes in. What if I could provide non-profits with an easy on-line course where they could learn to write a strategic plan that pulls together everyone’s wants and needs, and creates a truly shared vision for the future?
The more conversations I had about this, the more my wheels began turning. I started to envision what an on-line course might look like. Something a non-profit could work through at their own pace and with easy steps they could go back to year after year.
Like I said, it’s still raw. But you see the potential right?
But here’s what I’m very clear on… I can’t do this alone and I don’t have all the answers.
Currently, this idea is very rough around the edges. It’s definitely not perfect (yet) and there are many things that still need to be worked out.
But the vision is there. And that’s why I’m writing this message. I am looking for a handful of non-profit people (executive directors, or board members, or volunteers) who are willing to answer some research questions. We’ll jump on a call or Zoom for about 20 minutes and I’ll ask questions to help shape this idea.
Meaning, if you join me and you’re willing to help contribute ideas on how to make this THE best on-line training to support non-profit leaders in creating a dynamic strategic plan, I’d be willing to offer you the course for free when it is released.
When I make the course available to the general public, I anticipate the starting price to be somewhere in the neighbourhood of $247 (which will be a no brainer given that it will help non-profits really step up their game).
As I said, all the details for this are not figured out yet. Nothing has officially been created. And I expect some of the best ideas will come from you and others who join me as I work through the research.
The goal is to officially launch this on-line course on February 02, 2021.
So, between now and then, things will be happening fast and furious based on the ideas flowing back and forth!
With all that said, what I am clear about is how this on-line strategic plan writing course will help non-profits make their members, volunteers, and stakeholders happy.
That’s what excites me and has me waking up early with my mind racing a million miles a minute.
Years from now we’ll look back on this and say, “do you remember when…”. And guess what, that can all begin right now.
Will you join me? Become a research team member?
All you need to do is simply send me an email [email protected] (with your name and contact specs) and tell me you’re in! I’ll get back to you and we’ll set up a time to talk.
I can't wait to hear from you.
Hi, I'm Christie Saas, former board member, current Executive Director, and non-profit volunteer. I remember well, those early years when I lacked the training, the confidence, and the work-life balance to focus on becoming the best non-profit leader I could be.
Fast-forward past many bumps in the road, lessons learned, and you’ll find me still in the trenches, but a little wiser, a little calmer, and a whole lot happier. I love my work and I want to help you love yours too.
I created ChristieSaas.com to give you tools, tips, and templates to remove the mystery of learning to run a small non-profit. If you’re a brand-new non-profit leader, or a little more seasoned, someone who’s looking to make a meaningful contribution and still have time for a full life away from the job, you’re in the right place.
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