
Some evening and weekend work is required.

Some evening and weekend work is required.

When a non-profit employee, especially an executive director, is a salaried position, there is an unwritten expectation that they will get the job done no matter how long it takes. Many new EDs will...

Now, just one minute!

Now, just one minute!

The minutes of a board meeting serve as an official record of the decisions made. Motions are recorded and often a signed copy is kept for legal reference. Who is responsible for taking those very...

Are you out of touch with your members?

Are you out of touch with your members?

A non-profit usually adheres to the practice that the board works for the stakeholders. The membership and clients are often the central focus of that stakeholder group, and from it, the board of...

What do you do all day?

What do you do all day?

There are going to be times, many times, in every non-profit executive director’s career when you feel out of touch with what your team is working on. It might be because you are new to the...